Rina Kawai
●ハポンde ダンス公演
ユニット名 『身体領域#01』
作者 河合里奈
演者 河合里奈、環やゆかり
作品名 『無題』
●Japon de Dance Performance
Division Performing Arts
Unit name "Body Area #01
Author Rina Kawai
Performers Rina Kawai, Yukari Tamaya
Title: Untitled
What exactly is the body? I aim at the limit and the ultimate of the body's domain.
In my "Bodily Drawing Method," the conditions are that the artist must direct the action toward the audience, not use any painting materials, move in her own flow, and not put any meaning on the movements.
This piece explores the body induced by the contingent relationship between improvisation, in which the performer creates as they wish based on their own interpretation, and drawing, which is the act of drawing lines to generate an idea.
The first action will be performed by the top batter, Yukari Hanya.
The heartbeat, respiration, brain waves, and pulse that are contained within our bodies. The sound still resonates deep inside the body without ceasing.
The space is occupied by living things, and is in the act of altruism.